A/HRC/48/28 allegations from 13 communications concerning nine States (see annex I) 8 and follow-up information on cases previously reported concerning 17 States (see annex II). 9 The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention noted that it continued to receive information on reprisals against individuals who had been the subject of an urgent appeal or opinion or whose cases had given effect to a recommendation of the Working Group. 10 7. In its note on reprisals prepared for the annual meeting of chairpersons of the treaty bodies in 2021, the Secretariat reported that, owing to the restrictions to contain the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, it was not possible to hold in-person meetings for most of 2020, and it also noted fewer reported incidents. 11 The treaty bodies addressed allegations, and took preventative measures, concerning four States parties (paras. 29–30, 32, 42 and 37)12 and included relevant questions in both lists of issues and lists of issues prior to reporting on cases or related to new and existing legislation.13 8. In their report to the General Assembly, the facilitators 14 of the 2020 treaty body review emphasized an aligned approach, modalities and guidelines for the treaty bodies’ engagement with civil society and national human rights institutions15 to address reprisals in line with the Guidelines against Intimidation or Reprisals. They highlighted the use of technology for improved accessibility and transparency of the treaty bodies, including systematic webcasting and virtual collaboration tools, with witness protection in mind. 16 9. The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture highlighted restrictive and retaliatory measures against civil society as an obstacle in the fulfilment of its mandate to channel direct assistance to torture survivors 17 and designated reprisals as a thematic priority.18 Organizations facing impediments in receiving and/or fully providing assistance to torture survivors may exceptionally submit an emergency grant application, including for self-care and personal and digital security. 10. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) researched intimidation and reprisals associated with cooperation with the Security Council, mapping interactions with civil society and assessing the degree of exposure and related risks. OHCHR developed guides for preventing and addressing reprisals before, during and after cooperation with the Council and supported capacity-building for prevention and protection with Member States and United Nations staff and personnel. 11. In his report on national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights, the Secretary-General noted one case of reprisal and highlighted the higher risk faced by A status national human rights institutions due to their visibility before the international human rights system.19 12. The Office of the Envoy of the Secretary-General on Youth, the Protection Working Group of the Global Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security and OHCHR researched youth protection, including improving the Organization’s response to intimidation and reprisals for cooperation with the United Nations.20 The Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Belarus, India, Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Pakistan, the Philippines, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam. Andorra, Bahrain, China, Cuba, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Israel, Kuwait, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Maldives, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam. A/HRC/45/16, para. 29. HRI/MC/2021/2, paras. 39–40. Bangladesh (A/HRC/45/36, annex I, para. 11), Maldives, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. CAT/C/BHR/QPR/4, paras. 10–11; CCPR/C/MDV/QPR/2, para. 23; and CCPR/C/RUS/Q/8, para. 20. Morocco and Switzerland. A/75/601, para. 48. HRI/MC/2021/2, para. 45. See https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/UNVFVT/Call/Guidelines_UN_Torture_Fund _2020_EN.pdf, sect. X. See https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/UNVFVT/Circular2022_EN.pdf. Philippines. A/76/246, paras. 97 and 99. See https://www.un.org/youthenvoy/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Global-Report-on-Protecting.Young-People-in-Civic-Space.pdf. 3

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